Junk food taste like, well junk!

Welcome back if your here following my journey to a happier, healthier and fitter me. And if this is the first blog of mine you are reading don't forget to read my previous posts where I share my starting and 3 day measurements.

So these past three days have been OK except for the day we went to the beach to have some family time, what was a planned lunch of baked chicken and roasted veggies had turned into a lunch of hot chips. One thing I realised in my guilt at that point was that, although I use to enjoy hot chips on the odd occasion, truthfully they tasted like crap. So while I sat there eating out of politeness and hunger, thinking of how big of a workout I would have to do that night, I figured in itself this was a good thing. Although I haven't been on this journey very long, and even though I still had cravings for junk food. I realise that from this healthy food I have been having, that the junk tastes like, well junk!

Don't know if chocolate would still taste bad. I have had craving every day for chocolate but don't fall into it. I never use to like chocolate, it was only when I was pregnant with my second did I start to enjoy it.

Energy level wise is up and down. Most the time I do have more energy to do the things I use to put off, but at the same time I find that once tired, I'm absolutely stuffed and need to sleep. I don't know if its my body getting rid of the shit out of my system, or if its the workouts I have been doing as well as the 2-3 middle of the night bottle runs I still do. I honestly haven't had a full night sleep in almost 2 years now. I know that sleep is ment to be important to recovering and aids in stress levels in turn helping weight loss. But there is nothing I can to get more sleep.

I'm still keeping up with my 2-3 L of water a day, and bathroom trips are starting to space out. I did notice that the first 4-5 days of drinking all that water make me feel sick, like I was over full, needed to vomit etc. So instead off trying to drink large amounts at a time to get the amount of water into my day, I started to drink smaller amounts more often. I'm even noticing that if I haven't had water for 15-20 minutes I feel thirsty quickly so have more water. I'm now finding it very very easy to get my 2-3 L and even more some days.

So exercise wise. I have found out I don't like zumba. And no offense to anyone who loves it. I think it's just because I have the coordination of a retarded mud crab, I struggle to do even the most simple moves correctly and in turn end up more frustrated than anything. So zumba itself I like the idea of, and might try to re visit once I have lost some weight, and have more balance but for now its a no go. So I have stuck with my butt blitz DVD as well as doing some beginner's workouts I found on YouTube. At this stage I am doing  trial and error of the YouTube videos until I find a few I like and want to stick to.

Now to the most exciting part of the blog... My measurements 18/12/17
If you have read my previous blogs you would know that I don't own scales so my results are based off my measurements as well as how I look and feel.

Hips: 43 inch
Waist: 33 inch
Legs: 27 inch
Arms: 13 inch
Legs: 27 inch

Total inches lost these past 3 days is 1.5 inches

So thank you again for joining me in my healthy and weight loss journey and stay tuned if you want to follow me. I'm still planning of updates every 3 days.

Remember to stay positive and motivated and will cya next time.


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